Inviting college students with Usher Syndrome to share their transition and college preparation experiences from high school into college to provide insights for families, educators, and professionals.
Recruiting participants for a doctoral research study who: An Institutional Review Board responsible for human participant research at The University of Northern Colorado reviewed this research project and found it to be in accordance with applicable state and federal regulations and University policies designed to protect the rights and welfare of participants in research. Protocol # 2205039020
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NCDB's Program Development - Module 1: The Impact of Deafblindness on Learning and Development These bite sized PD modules help educators that are new to deafblindness, families, and those who need a refresher. National Center on Deaf-Blindness' Interveners and Qualified Personnel Initiative Ava’s Voice Online Training for Educators More Education Resources
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On Demand: The Benefits and Challenges of Special Education: How to Help All Students Succeed12/14/2021 Listen in as Lane participates on a panel of experts discussing how educators can support students with learning differences and how to create an environment where students with learning differences can feel equal to their peers.
Watch the on-demand discussion on EducationWeek. Resources for students with learning disabilities from Marnee Loftin, psychologist, as published on Paths to Literacy
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May 2024