What an amazing segment watching my friend and colleague with Usher syndrome tell her story on the Today Show. She is a true inspiration and a powerful voice for spreading USH awareness.
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I was really excited about this topic when Maurice and I began planning but I found myself feeling even more glad we chose this topic when I participated in the webinar myself. Maurice gave me so many things to think about as we closed out the school year. I thought of all the times that I may have unknowingly caused my kids stress by preventing them from having closure - those times when I was running late and we couldn’t finish a game or another activity, and even worse, when I cleaned up the activity when they were at school after I had promised we could finish it later. Maurice also talked about the importance of finding ways to get to “closure” for students who will not change teachers and/or classrooms like their peers do. Lastly, the information presented on stress and anxiety was spot on as well. As someone who has struggled with stress and anxiety, I found this session especially reassuring. I highly recommend checking out this webinar series this summer if you have time. It is offered for PD credit at University of Idaho.
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A new NCDB product on Usher Syndrome, authored by Nancy O’Donnell, Outreach Director at the Usher Syndrome Coalition, is now available on the NCDB website. "Identification of Usher Syndrome: Information & Resources" offers a wealth of information on
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We're excited to welcome Amanda Dill, LMSW to our Lane of Inquiry family! Learn more about Amanda. Read and sign up for our newsletter.
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May 2024